We are heading out on our adventure to Marfa, TX tomorrow morning. Marfa is located 445 miles from Austin in the desert of West Texas. Texas really amazes me; you can drive for 6+ hours in any direction and still be in Texas. I’ve never seen anything like it.Some of the things I’m looking forward to on the trip:

An Old Crow Medicine Show cover of Gus cannon’s Minglewood Blues.
“Don’t you never let no woman rule your mind."

Jade singing Fire and Water. “Love go ahead, Love go behind us.”

Mumford and Sons, Sister.
“There's a chip on your shoulder, girl
And by God it'll make you fall
If you let it take a part of your soul”

Reenacting Lonesome Dove.
“It's not dying I'm talking about, it's living.”

Chasing after Marfa’s Mystery Lights

Walking away with a pretty cool screenprinted poster (fingers crossed).

Finding some fancy postcards to snail mail.