I enjoyed this so much that I had to watch it twice. I thought I'd share...


 I feel like a bad country song today.

 But I took that cheeseball energy and put it to good use. Our office has been in the middle of a move and I'm finally getting all settled in. I decided I needed to make my work space somewhere I'd like to be. So today, I came in early and did some basic DIY's to "make this house a home".

I got extremely lucky to be placed by this beautiful exposed brick wall and a huge window! It's the small things.

See, told you I was cheeseballin today.

“ Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” - William Morris

"Home - is where I want to be
But I guess I'm already there"
-Talking Heads


I have two interests: vernacular typography and the things people write on bathroom walls. For now, let's focus on one. This may become a staple post. In my opinion, wall scribblings are like the romantic form of Twitter. I love to hear what people think is bathroom stall worthy. The world is full of people who have love to speak in these venues. I'm gonna start sharing them. This is one of my favorites to date... a poem by Hafiz (not exactly word for word, but that's the beauty of it).


Sitting pretty at the top of my wishlist...

Of course, it would need to be a bit re-worded. I think it's totally feasible.