This has been one of my mantras for years. Makes me miss Emilia.


This trailer is unreal (in a good way). Has anyone seen this?


We're clearing out the store to make room for new stuff. Grab some of these items below while they're cheap!

Suede Boho Purse

Vintage Blazer

Vintage hiking boots


Feeling uninspired on the dance floor? It happens to the best of us. Fear no more...


Okay, I’ve been looking for Spice Girls platform shoes since I was in the 5th grade. I’m not ashamed of this fact, because I still think they are genius. Of course, if I had been able to find them when this thought first invaded my brain, it would have been a little awkward for my Presbyterian school teachers . Once I got to 7th grade, I found some black platform boots and bought them on the spot. Unfortunately, I got sent home from school the day I tried to wear them. Apparently my new boots paired with a mini skirt did not meet the dress code. Woops.

I never really wore those boots much after that. Looking back, they were absolutely hideous. But here I am, over 10 years later, and these platform-inspired shoes are on every street corner and I’m still obsessed. Now you can find them adapted for any style. My personal style has morphed with age (thank god). I like clothing with less black, more vintage cuts and textiles, and vibrant, earthy tones. These are the inspiring shoes on my wish-list. I’m pretty sure I will never lose enough marbles to warrant buying shoes that cost more than my rent. But window shopping never hurt anyone…

From Far Fetch

From Free People

From Solestruck


From Urban Outfitters

The price tags on these shoes didn’t stop me. Over the past year, I’ve been on the hunt for affordable versions of these beauties. As a result, I have started my own collection of versatile and budget-friendly platforms. Here is the latest addition:


Lately, I’ve been dreaming of a runaway. I often do this. Actually, over the years I think I may have become notorious for this. It’s not that I am discontent with my life, but because I am curious and I’m obsessed with change. What could life be like someplace else? If there was an entry level job for this, like “Dreamer Assistant”, I think I would kick ass in that interview. They would have no choice but to hire me.

Sometimes I wonder if I will ever stay in one place too long. I wonder if one day the wheels will just stop. I wonder if one day I’ll look around and realize that I’m finally home. Austin has won my heart in many ways but even still, I think of life on the other side. Maybe South America, maybe Europe, maybe just somewhere remote in Montana. Somewhere where life is slow. I would beat the 40-hour work week, grow my own food and read tons of books…maybe even write a book, or learn to sew. Of course, I would bring my mister friend with me.

In April, Chris and I started a runaway jar. Every day, we throw our loose change in it. Sometimes I sneak bills in there in hopes to speed up the process. I don’t know if we will ever actually use that jar, or if having it sit in my bedroom is comfort enough. I do know that if one day we decide to break the jar open, I’ll have an entire world of ideas on where to go, and what to read when we get there. 

“You know, I believe we live two lives…
The life we learn with and the life we live after that.” 
- Bernard Malamud

“In those days the Earth was still flat, 
and people dreamed often of falling over edges.”
– Tom Robbins

“There are two lives that we have right now. 
The first is the life we live. The second is the life that we really desire to live.”
– Bil Cornelius

“I was too curious about the future to look back.”- Patti Smith

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring 
will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”
- T.S. Eliot

“We all need someone to look at us. We can be divided into four categories according to the kind of look we wish to live under: the first category longs for the look of an infinite number of anonymous eyes, in other words, for the look of the public. That is the case with the german singer, the american actress. The second category is made up of people who have a vital need to be looked at by many known eyes. They are the tireless hosts of cocktail parties and dinners. Then there is the third category, the category of people who need to be constantly before the eyes of the person they love. And finally there is the fourth category, the rarest, the category of people who live in the imaginary eyes of those who are not present. They are the dreamers.” – Milan Kundera (from one of my favorite books, The Unbearable Lightness of Being)


A peek into one of the many influences of Twin Sister, this video is shot at lead singer Andrea Estella's family's house in Long Island.