Hi! My name is Katie and I’m addicted to queso.

I think the word “weekend” is interchangeable with the word “queso”.  Some people have a drug problem, some people have a drinking problem.  But me… I have a much more rare disease. If I don’t have queso at least once a weekend, I feel like I need a redo.

My condition has worsened: “at least once a weekend” is not enough anymore. I need more.  Sometimes I enjoy queso so much that it feels like I’m cheating on Chris. I look forward to it. I wait for it day in and day out. What confines my rendezvous with queso to the weekend? I think my love affair has gotten out of control because of this. Pairing the concept of weekend and the indulgence of queso makes for a cranky Monday. Love and freedom are nowhere in sight, 5 days away to be exact. That’s why I’ve decided to make queso tonight. Is my problem worsening because my queso addiction is now oozing into my Monday? Or am I on the road to recovery as the veil of denial lifts with this post? Either way: Please send queso.

This typographic poster was created by Simon Walker. And I need a copy. Not only is it very well done, but it is so relatable. Queso is the cure for the common everything. Check out the rest of Simon Walker’s work, he makes beautiful type.