Yay! I finally figured out my Friday post. I have faith that a schedule will eventually create itself for this blog. So… The Friday post is part of my new resolution to develop my Vinyl collection. I am going to attempt to buy a new record every week and post photos. Hopefully, I will manage to stick to the plan and by the end of the year, I will find myself with 52 albums. The fun part of this “assignment” is that they have to be bought locally, and except for special occasions they have to be less that $10 (preferably less that $5). So last night, I took a stroll to End of an Ear and here is what I found… $3.99.

I may have to post two next Friday so I can get caught up. I don't wanna fall behind so early in the game. OH! And Mom, I thought of you. As I was browsing the $.99 section, I came across three copies of Janis Ian’s “Between the Lines”. They’re practically giving them away. But, I still love you for loving her so whole-heartedly. I always love a true fan. Long Live Janis!