My love for green tea may be a bit excessive. Most days I drink 4 cups, sometimes more. I have also grown to love herbal teas, most of which contain no caffeine. Some of my favorites are:

Detox tea - This tea usually contains licorice root which is known for detoxifying the liver. Drink some of this tea after a night drinking to speed up the hangover process. Also, detox tea is great for your skin. You skin is a peek into your overall heath. If your insides are clean, you’re skin will soon follow.

Chamomile – known for its relaxing properties can be used for insomnia and anxiety. Also can be used to calm the stomach. Drink some right before bed and you will sleep like a baby. Chamomile is often found in “Bedtime tea” blends.

Lemon Ginger – both of these ingredients work wonders for your digestive system. This tea is great for settling the stomach. 

Echinacea – known for boosting your immune system. If you ever feel a cold coming on, spend a couple days day fighting it with this tea paired with Vitamin C.